CEO To Rainmaker
CEO To Rainmaker
Episode # 71 Exploring the Transformative Potential of AI for Business with Brian Kennedy Jr.
Ever thought about implementing AI into your business and felt overwhelmed by the complexity of it all? Fret not, as our distinguished guest, tech expert Brian Kennedy, dispels the mystery surrounding AI and introduces us to the exciting potential of chat GPT. As the director of the entrepreneur ecosystem at Ampac Business Capital, Brian's insights are valuable for anyone eager to leverage AI in their operations.
Our intriguing conversation steers you through the recent upheavals at Open AI, the significance of President Biden's executive order on AI, and how chat GPT, an AI tool, can revolutionize your business. Be it simplifying tasks such as shortening links, studying competition, or social media marketing, AI can be your trusted assistant. We further delve into the ethical considerations of employing AI and stress the importance of using this tool responsibly for the benefit of your business and its employees.
Finally, our discussion evolves to the concept of 'blue oceans'—unchartered business territories ripe for innovation. Brian shares his personal experiences and success stories of companies like Uber and Lyft, which have harnessed technology to carve out their own markets. Get ready to learn about the power of AI and how it can reshape your business landscape. This episode is mandatory listening for anyone keen to explore AI and its transformative potential. So, tune in and let us guide you into the fascinating world of AI in business.
Link to show - https://ceotorainmaker. buzzsprout.com
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Okay, Good morning listeners. Gene Valdez here, my family and I wish all of you a merry Christmas, which is five days away. You know, unless you'd been living in a cave, you would have missed all of the hullabaloo about the subject of artificial intelligence. It is everywhere, not only in advancements in technology, but now we have a soap opera in their boardroom. I'm sure you heard that Sam Altman, the CEO of Open AI, was fired by the board and then Microsoft hired him. What's going on? I don't know, but I don't get involved with all that stuff, so you know.
Gene valdez:I'm going to quote the LA Times. In October, President Biden he signed an executive order on artificial intelligence that seeks to balance the needs of AI technology companies with a national security and consumer rights and privacy. The order created an early set of guardrails that could be fortified with future legislation. Several countries have adopted standards that are way ahead of the US, but I'm quite confident we will catch up Further in the article and I'm going to read this. This is a quote from President Biden.
Gene valdez:Ai is driving change at warp speed. It carries tremendous potential as well as perils. To maximize its potential and to avoid risk, we need to govern this technology. We need to keep it out of the scammers and criminals which are everywhere. Leading developers of AI technology as of now include Google, Meta, Microsoft and AI startups such as Open AI or Anthropic Open AI I didn't know this because I'm not a techie is the maker of chat GPT, and chat GPT is one of the many tools of AI.
Gene valdez:Today, my guest is Brian Kennedy, what I call the lovable Brian Kennedy because he's got such an engaging personality. Someday you may meet him and you agree with me. Brian is a proud techie and the director of the entrepreneur ecosystem program, which is part of Ampac Business Capital, a leading small business lending organization in Southern California. I asked Brian to be a guest because Brian uses GPT a lot at his job and he's going to share with us basically the ABCs of GPT and, more importantly to you listeners, how you can use, even at the most elementary level, how you can use GPT to make your businesses healthier, be more efficient and more productive. So welcome Brian. How are you?
Brian Kennedy Jr:Oh, gene, thank you so much. I'm doing great, appreciate you asking.
Gene valdez:Wait, hold on a second. How do I know it's really you and you're not a real?
Brian Kennedy Jr:Gene, I can guarantee you you have the human guarantee here. This is not a robot. I'm live and in the flesh, Are you sure?
Gene valdez:Because you sound intelligent. But is that artificial or is that real?
Brian Kennedy Jr:You've got to ask those questions nowadays, though. Oh man.
Gene valdez:All right, brian, I got a kid around. I can't take this too serious so give me a brain dump on chat GPT. You know what it is? Yeah, how you use it, how the average business owner could use it. Just do a bleh.
Brian Kennedy Jr:Absolutely, gene, and one thank you for having me on the show. I'm always grateful to be a part of this community that you're building. It really is a powerful thing, and you're very right, gene. If you haven't heard of AI, you've definitely been living under a little bit of a rock, and so we're grateful to be continuing this conversation that is so timely and relevant as it pertains to artificial intelligence, I mean, it is everywhere. You've seen it at the White House level, obviously, at the boardroom level. This open AI drama is getting crazier every day. I think it's up to like 705 out of like 770 employees that have signed on to a petition saying they will leave open AI if they don't bring all the back it is just like wow, what is that coming back?
Gene valdez:They rejected it. Yeah, it's an AI. Microsoft.
Brian Kennedy Jr:Well, what's the board going to be running?
Gene valdez:I think it's, you know, the board of directors. I think it's spelled B-O-R-E-D board. They just need to do something because they're bored. They want to be in the news, so go ahead.
Brian Kennedy Jr:Well, gene, one thing that we're also paying attention to with this open AI theater, I'll say, is what's being covered up? What are they not trying to make sure people are seeing? There's a lot going on behind the scenes with artificial intelligence, specifically with open AI. They have been articles that have been showcasing some of the reasons Sam Altman was taken down from the CEO position, and those reasons are tied to how rapidly open AI is advancing within not only artificial intelligence, but AGI, artificial general intelligence, which is a higher speed of processing and capability for AI, and the open AI board wanted to slow them down, which is why they brought in the new CEO. And so there when I tell you the advancements are here and coming better every day. It's so exciting, and I'm excited to share a couple of things that can help people kind of just get involved and start right, Because if this stuff can be complex, it can be scary, it can be overwhelming.
Brian Kennedy Jr:But one thing that I really like to communicate Just keep it simple and dive in. It's not going anywhere. It's just like the internet when it first came out right? Just get on chatGVT and just ask it a simple question, and that's where I recommend people start. That's how I recommend people get involved.
Brian Kennedy Jr:Think of chatGVT, think of AI as your personal assistant. Right? Okay, Talk to it like a personal assistant. Hey, chatGVT, you are my email marketing specialist. Help me write this email to this group of people and watch it go to work. And when it gives you, that's as simple as it is. That's what you're telling it to do. It's great stuff, Gene. It really is. You can have a conversation with it like it is a person. So if it gives you a response right to your email marketing request, or your prompt right, as it's called, Once it gives you that prompt, you can respond to that prompt and tell it something else to do. Hey, make this more specific by including these types of words. Make it more viral by including hashtags, emojis, things that make it easier to read. There are a lot of ways you can use AI in a simple and easy to understand way, and that's what I like to start with in terms of how I encourage folks to get involved with it, but there are some limitations, so, brian.
Gene valdez:So if I ask chat GVT to how do I make my hair grow back, they probably say you're stuck, dude, can't do it.
Brian Kennedy Jr:Well, I mean chat, gvt. What I've learned is and all the other AI tools. You mentioned a couple of great ones here. Gene Anthropic has a really good tool called Claudeai. Google has a really good tool called Google Bard. It will give you options. It will give you a response that gives you at least a starting point. So even if you ask it right hey, I'm going bald, what do I do? It'll give you products. It'll give you surgery options.
Gene valdez:It'll tell you what is out there.
Brian Kennedy Jr:Yeah, right, that's right, yeah, and you can ask it such specific questions like hey, what are the case studies for Rogaine?
Gene valdez:What are they? Good and bad reviews from Rogaine.
Brian Kennedy Jr:Yeah, it'll search the internet and find those results. But one thing that you have to be intentional with is kind of the ethical side of what you're using it for.
Gene valdez:Yeah, how do you use it?
Brian Kennedy Jr:Yeah, it's simple. From that perspective, though, think about real people right. Yeah, technology is an extension of real people. Real people built this tool right, so use it in a way that you know will benefit the people around you and, of course, yourself, and if you could start with that, you'll be in a pretty good spot.
Gene valdez:Yeah, I need to share a story with you, brian, because once we communicated about a month ago that we were willing to be a guest and I wanted to talk about chat GPT. I was intrigued and a couple of days ago I was looking at the link I have to all of my podcasts and it was kind of long. So I thought to myself, hmm, hmm, I wonder if there's a way to shrink my link so it's easier to see and easier to enter. And so I said I'm going to go to chat GPT and I said how do I shorten my link? And it sent me to bitly.
Gene valdez:Yeah, bitly yeah, and it gave me a new link and now that's the one I'm using, and that was simple. Yeah, I feel empowered now.
Brian Kennedy Jr:Gee excellent story man. And you see, it's as simple as that. You have a thought. You have a thought, you have an idea Like, hey, how can I do this? Oh, let me ask chat GPT.
Gene valdez:Oh, it's beautiful man, All right. So let's get to. Let's go to the turkey on on Thanksgiving. No, no, that's a bad analogy. Let's go to the heart of the matter. So what are some simple things that an average business owner can do today to make their business better? And let me throw out some. What ifs Could? They could chat GPT, give out information on their competition, on your market share is what their pricing should be, where they should advertise on social media. How to retain employees. Yeah, yeah, Right, right.
Brian Kennedy Jr:Yeah, there's so many things.
Gene valdez:There's so many things.
Brian Kennedy Jr:And that's my answer. That's my short answer. There are so many things chat GPT can't help your business with. Then I'm going to go back to my previous statement. Whatever you can think about, it can help you. And, to your point, gene, every bullet point that you just noted, chat GPT can definitely help you with and any business owner who's listening, I highly recommend use it for the things you don't know too. Yeah, you know you need to work on your social media marketing. Ask it for best practices, right, but also give me an example. Give me an example, absolutely, and I go simple Based on what type of business you're building, you can tell chat GPT.
Brian Kennedy Jr:Chat GPT tell me what I don't know. As I'm trying to build a successful company, what should I be thinking about? Okay, it helps you think outside of the box, which is so, so huge? Yes, it can help you do the simple things. How do I make my email marketing more effective? How do I do my 2024 planning more diligently? How do I make my business plan into a one page mark goal sheet that I can synthesize, because we have 40 page business plans that we never look at right. We can take that 40 page business plan, put it into a Google bar or chat GPT and say, hey, make this into a one pager that I can read every day. Simple things like that this tool can help you do.
Brian Kennedy Jr:But what I'm continuing to encourage business owners within our ecosystem to do, ask it what you don't understand, ask it what you don't know. Hey, chat GPT, I'm building an entrepreneur ecosystem through a mobile app and through co-working spaces. What am I not thinking about? As a founder and an owner? What should I be trying to do that my human brain hasn't figured out yet, right? Yes, I use that phrasing to go to that level of extreme, but use these tools the way they were built to help us.
Brian Kennedy Jr:And one thing that I'm really trying to encourage now too, let it do analysis for you. Give me an example. Give me an example, absolutely. Let it do analysis for you. So, for example, we're coming to year end, right, everyone's aiming hopefully business owners right, you're aiming to do your year end reviews and do your next year planning that review yes, I'm putting my lender hat back on. That review should be of your numbers, to be of your tax return, profitable income, of your financial statements. You don't know how to do that. Okay, great, that's fine. Do you have bank statements? Do you not access bank statements? Yes, that's a starting point. Hey, brian, I don't know anything about my numbers. Okay, that's all right. Can you download bank statements? Yes, okay, great, download bank statements, put them in Google bar, put them in chat GVT. Say chat GVT. Give me a financial analysis review of my performance, of my business from this year.
Gene valdez:Oh, I love that. I love that, based on my bank statements.
Brian Kennedy Jr:Based on my bank statements, where should I be cutting expenses? Where should I be increasing my prices? How can I improve my profits? Based on the data of my business from this year, it's a great way to think outside the box, for sure and help you with that analysis.
Gene valdez:So let me put out my business coach. You know, one of the business coach's ease is you got to have KPIs and KPIs many people know are key performance indicators. So let's say that you establish those in January of this year and then you ask chat, gbt, how did I do on my KPIs? Or maybe you do it every quarter how am I performing on my KPIs? Or are there some other KPIs that I'm not thinking about that I should include, which would be barometers of my financial condition? Is that possible?
Brian Kennedy Jr:Absolutely, gene. I remember I was teaching one of my classes the other day and I told my business owners because we were talking about credit and budgeting right, two pretty critical factors and one of my business owners told me hey, I don't know how to create a budget and I don't want to just write on an Excel sheet. Is there any tool that can help me? I said absolutely, and I encouraged him take your bank statements, put it in Google bar and tell Google bar to create a budget for you based on your business's data. And so the analysis capability, the ability to create reports for you. You talked about market research. Absolutely, this is a great tool for market research. Hey, this is how much I charge for my product, chatgbt. This is where my business is, but I'm an online business. I'm trying to be everywhere. How much are other companies within this industry charging for this product? How much are?
Gene valdez:people within my industry.
Brian Kennedy Jr:charging for this service? Should I be adjusting my services? Here's my LinkedIn profile ChatGBT. Here's my resume ChatGBT. This is my experience as a professional. What should I be charging based on my background and my expertise? There are so many ways. That's amazing. It's amazing. But once again, gene, I go back to this so much more intentionally now. It goes back to you as a human. This is just a tool, just like all the other tools that are out there. The human touch will never go anywhere, but how you embed your humanity, your ability to think critically, your ability to think outside of the box, how you embed that with these AI tools will greatly differentiate you from your competition and from the rest of the world.
Gene valdez:Let me give you the litmus test here, mr Brian, because you are definitely on a roll dude. All right, one of my most fundamental ideas strategies, if you will is that a business must have a crystal clear business model. A business model is defined as, basically, how you win business from your competition. Could you go to ChatGBT and say give me my two or three top competitors in my industry? I want you to outline their strengths and weaknesses. I want you to do the same for my company and tell me where they're vulnerable to attack and create my model around their weaknesses, rather than taking them head on. Strength for strength, it's just guerrilla warfare. You hit somebody where they're weak, not strong. As an example, let's say that you want to get into the fitness business and there was nobody that was doing 24 hours consecutively. That might be a weakness, because there's a lot of people that like to work out, that keep weird hours. All right, there's your niche. Can they do that?
Brian Kennedy Jr:Gene, absolutely. Another thing that I've been continuing to recommend when folks are using these tools like Google, bard, like ChatGBT, look at how your business can create what are called blue oceans. I was reading a book called Blue Oceans.
Brian Kennedy Jr:Blue oceans. Okay, gene, listen, and I'm going to break this down in a way that I know listeners can understand. What you were talking about there was how can I be better than my competition? How can I create my competition's weaknesses? That's what's called the red ocean, the red ocean of war, of competition.
Brian Kennedy Jr:The goal for, especially as entrepreneurs, as innovators, as disruptors, as creators of solutions to problems, we should be looking for blue oceans. Blue oceans represent peace, tranquility. They represent a market that you've created Because you've innovatively created this entirely new market. You don't have competition because you own this market and you have created this market. As you are looking at your business model, you need to be asking ChatGBT, google, bard, slawai how do I separate entirely from the competition and create my own market with what I do? There are ways to really really be intentional with how you create opportunity for yourself. Even separate from your competitors, you can still do your competitive analysis. You can build your business model around the weaknesses of your competitors and really target those pain points of your competitors and your clients Absolutely and simultaneously. You can also be asking ChatGBT, asking Google Bard, asking Clawai where's the market not being fulfilled? Where's the problem not being solved? How can I create a new market for myself as well?
Gene valdez:Well, that's a great point. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Uber and Lyft they took on the Yellow Cab Taxi Company. Anyway, they were the dominant entity in the transportation industry and maybe they didn't have the technology to access it, but they did come up with a business model that was different than the Yellow Taxi Company and they hit them. And even though I know Uber and Lyft they're having some issues, they still were very successful. Can you imagine if they had that technology before they started? Maybe they didn't need it, Maybe I don't know for sure, but that just comes to mind that for so many years there was no Uber and Lyft. They just didn't even exist. And now it's like, oh, just Uber it, it's like part of our vernacular now you know, yeah, yeah, so keep going. Hi, I just want your opinions on the business owner using the technology.
Brian Kennedy Jr:What do you use it?
Gene valdez:for in your business? Oh, absolutely the most effective things you do.
Brian Kennedy Jr:Yeah, yeah, I would love to share that, and I want to piggyback on the point you just made about Uber and Lyft and Yellow Cab. Yellow Taxi Cab, the Uber and Lyft in this exodus transformation of how we exist as it pertains to travel, they not only competed with Yellow Taxi Cab, they created an entirely new market that was not accessible, absolutely young people.
Gene valdez:People that drank too much.
Brian Kennedy Jr:Yes, yeah, and just thinking through how they made that blue ocean is came through our cell phones right. Everyone that has a smartphone now can get a car. You don't have to be in a particular right. So always thinking innovatively like that is something that I use chat, gbt and Google Bard and clawai for one example of something that I'm doing in my day-to-day work is contracts and grants and always trying to be ahead of innovation. One of the excuse me, one of the programs that I'm using right now is Google Bard. I'm using it with a program that we've created here at the Entrepreneur Ecosystem called our Leap to Launch Entrepreneur Development Program.
Brian Kennedy Jr:We've incubated business owners for about 18 months to support them in being more efficient and as well as knowing their numbers more intentionally, and one of my business owners asked a really good question at one of our cohort sessions because we've given them a lot of content and material and takeaways over the last 18 months and he wanted to understand how he can synthesize that high level of data to be able to pick and pull what he needs when he needs it. And the recommendation I gave him because we've given let me see, it's been a little over 12 PDF articles, three PowerPoint presentations per session for 18 sessions. So it's over 100 documents worth of information that they've generated over the course of this cohort that we've put into a shared folder for them to have access to. And so what I recommended to him you have all this good information. That's great, but how do you pull from it? Intentionally? You use that GPT and Google Bard.
Brian Kennedy Jr:And so what I encouraged him to do and I did it live, I did the demonstration myself. I took all the articles, all the PowerPoint decks, all of the resources that we have given, and I put it into a Google Drive folder. Because Google Bard because it's connected to the internet, similar to chat, gpt 4.0, it can read PDFs, it can read PowerPoint slides, it can read Word documents, it can read everything, and so there are components here that are really resourceful. So we put all the documents into a Google Drive folder, we put that Google Drive link into Google Bard and said Google Bard, please analyze the content of this folder, which is 18 months worth of information, and break down what is here in a synthesized format. And it just gave me a breakdown of every document and what it was about in a way that was easy to see.
Gene valdez:That is awesome. Let me shift gears a little bit, brian. So let's just say, at the very elementary level, I've got a listener out there. It says, okay, I'm stoked, I'm fired up, I'm gonna try this chat GPT at the most elementary level and then they like it and they wanna get better at it. Is the educational journey getting better? Is that available through tutorials on chat GPT? Do they have to hire a GPT consultant? How do they get better at it if they start in the beginning at the most elementary level and like it and wanna say, okay, let's see what else I can do? How do you do that? How do you increase that learning curve?
Brian Kennedy Jr:Yeah, you asked the tool how to use it. I know that's simple. I know I've done that myself, gene, because I've been thinking they're okay. Am I using this thing the most effectively? Like, I'll give it instructions and it's giving me a good response, but am I making it the most effective it can be? And so I said, google Bard, I gave you this prompt and this is in a live demo. I was just referencing where I gave it the link and I said give me the contents of the folder. I said, google Bard, was this a most effective way to use you? Tell me how I can use you more effectively in achieving this purpose.
Brian Kennedy Jr:And it said this is how you need to write the prompt and this is how you need to give me the information so I can give it back to you the way you want I love that. That's so easy. Perfect. Thank you, google Bard. Okay, here's the prompt that you asked for. Now give me what I need in the format that I use up.
Gene valdez:It's awesome, that is great. So a non-techie like me would do. I will listen to you, would you just tell me? And I say it's the chat. I've been using you for a while and I think I'm scratching the surface. This is what I do for a living, my business. So how else can I use you? And that's that simple, right, that simple. Let's go get a coffee. Yeah, that is hilarious, all right. So do you have any success stories of businesses that you were, let's say, not using the technology you showed them and now they are doing better and they've come back and say hey, brian, thank you so much for introducing me to chat to BT. I'm now doing this and I never thought I would. Do you have a success story?
Brian Kennedy Jr:I do, I do so this is not a setup.
Brian Kennedy Jr:No, no, it's not a setup, but I. This is a story I love sharing because, within, within, within one of our incubator co-ports, one of my business owners was asking me to help them solve a problem of increasing their reach because they are product-based business. They're trying to get into five new stores, right, and so I said, okay, have you been using the AI tools I've been telling you about to increase your reach? She said, well, no, I haven't really understood how. And I was like, okay, did you ask the AI tool how to use it to help you increase your reach? She said, well, no, I didn't think of that. I said, okay, I'm not going to tell you anything else. I'm going to push you to learn. Tell me how it goes. She came back to me next month. She said she got two new stores.
Gene valdez:Oh my gosh.
Brian Kennedy Jr:Months of outreach because of how she got emails. You found email lists for free by using Google bar. She found the best copywriting information from chat GPT. She was able to redefine her images. She was able to put her image of her product into the AI tool and it make it more viral. It gave it captions and made it pop. I was just like you just took a picture of this product there was a candle on your phone and put this into the AI tool and said make it presentable for people to want to buy it. And she said yes, and she used that in her email and it got her two bites and I was just like that's so cool and she's continuing to do it, and she's continuing to get more success. I mean, I'm not going to do it, I'm going to do it, I'm going to do it, I'm going to do it and I have a couple more like that, but that was one that that was very reset, that I was just over the moon.
Gene valdez:It's awesome to see. I can't take this anymore, Brian, I mean.
Gene valdez:I feel like I'm now 30, ready to conquer the world, and just got a new. Oh baby, I'm not 30. So I'm not even going to tell you how old I am, because I certainly don't look it. I know that, yeah. So let's do this. You tell me maybe three bullet points of what you want my listeners to take from today's show through, the three most important points, and there may be more, but three is always like a cool number. So give me three takeaways that you're in front of 5000 business owners and this is your takeaway for today's show.
Brian Kennedy Jr:Absolutely. So. I'll give you all three simple ones who you are, who your company is right, you can refine this with chat GBT. Think about oh, an elevator pitch how I present myself in the business marketplace. Let chat GBT help you with understanding who you are as an owner and who your company is and what it does. Two, let chat GBT help you review your growth.
Brian Kennedy Jr:Where's your company been in the last month, the last year? Let it help you analyze your business performance. And then three, let it help you plan for the future. Where are you trying to be at the end of 2024? Let it help you create that smart, specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, time-bound. Let it create those smart goals for you so that your 2024 is successful and effective, because you've gotten help planning it out. These are three simple bullet points. Let chat GBT, let Google bar, let clawai, let these AI tools help you understand who you are, who your company is, where your company has been in the past and how it's performed, and the best practices for how you can optimize the performance of your business. And then let it help you plan for the future and how you can grow from today. Those are my three takeaway points that I would like to take away from today.
Gene valdez:That's really good, brian. So let me ask you a final question, because I know you've got time commitments, so the AI technology obviously is moving at rapid speed. What do you see that AI could be capable of, maybe six months from now, a year from now, that they're not already doing? Is there any advancement room? And then I have a second question, so I'll answer that one first, then I'll give you the second question, please.
Brian Kennedy Jr:Yeah. So AI is moving fast. You're 100%, spot on. And Gene, this is the funniest part. I can't even imagine where AI will be in six months From what we're doing today. Well, we know they can drive a car right.
Gene valdez:We know you can drive a car right.
Brian Kennedy Jr:Correct, and so I'll give this. Yeah, because that's true. There are completely autonomous ubers, right, that can pick you up and drop you off. That's already here. That's today.
Brian Kennedy Jr:In six months, we could easily see artificial intelligence across all of our systems, from our emails, our text messages, our Facebook posts, our calendar, right, every.
Brian Kennedy Jr:Think of your phone, think of your computer, think of anything you do that's technologically tied as having AI embedded in it.
Brian Kennedy Jr:Yes, should suggest the text response as you're going to text your mom back, and it suggests a text response based on all the text you've sent out over the course of your time having a phone, because it learned you and it learned how you type, and it may automatically generate a response to a text message that you're looking at. That is a small factor of where AI could potentially be in six months, and the other side is that AI is also very closely tied to robotics and automation. So, as we're seeing software develop, hardware is also developing too. So you think about, like Star Wars R2-D2, having a robot that like is smart enough to understand who you are, what you're doing, what you need. That is on the horizon and I believe it will be here a little sooner than we anticipate Six months. I could see us very heavily, especially with open AI's advancements. Here we could be heavily into artificial general intelligence, which is AI operating autonomously and supporting us with a level of intelligence that we haven't experienced before.
Gene valdez:Wow, All right. So final, final question, then we'll wrap it up, and maybe you don't have the numbers, but give me your best guesstimate. What percentage of and I'm not even talking about personal use, let's just say business use what percentage of businesses would you say are using the chat GPT technology, sort of like a market penetration basis? What percentage would you say?
Brian Kennedy Jr:Yeah, and I had typed this into Google BART not too long ago and what I saw and I'll confirm, kind of as I'm speaking here, because when you're looking at business owners that are using the chat, gpts, the Google BARTs, the Anthropics, the macawai's there are a lot of tools out there and so one thing that is relevant is business owners are using it. One and two.
Gene valdez:But how many, brian? Is it? 50%, 20%, 30%, 10%? What do you think?
Brian Kennedy Jr:Yeah, and so I'll break it down into two percentages. So I'll break it down based on the USA and the world. So, based on. So, for business owners that are in the USA using AI tools, we're looking at about 38% in the United States. So, globally, we're looking at about 35% and, excuse me, not 58% for the US 25% for the US business owners are using AI tools for the globe, about 35%. But other countries have, yeah, percentage is like 58%, like companies like China, business owners are using it at a much accelerated rate. So US 25% of business owners are using it, so one in four. And so if you're already using chat, gpt, Google, bart, anthropics these AI tools, you're ahead about 75% of United States business owners and ahead of about 60% of the world's business owners. So if you're using this stuff, you're in a good spot. Yeah, if you are it, this is really where you wanna get ahead.
Gene valdez:Yeah, that's my point. Okay, so 75% of businesses in America are not using the technology yet, but they're gonna jump on the van way soon. They have to. So All right, brian, you were awesome. Thank you so much for your time, and I will leave your contact information on my show notes and if anybody has a question, I'm sure that you would take their call. So with that, I'd like to say thank you very much. I learned a lot and you have a great day, young man.
Brian Kennedy Jr:Thank you, brother. I appreciate you for having me on the show. Gene, have a great day as well, sir.
Gene valdez:My pleasure. So, before we wrap it up, I'd just like to extend a big thanks to my corporate donors, which includes the Inland Empire Center for Entrepreneurship, California State University, San Bernardino, the Small Business Development Corporation of Orange County and the IE Desmond and Lewis, a full service marketing firm based in Redlands, California. If you liked today's show, please give me a good rating and review on either the podcast or YouTube platforms that you utilize to access my shows. Anyway, Merry Christmas again. As I said in the beginning, Talk to you in two weeks and peace and out Bye-bye.